This is for ANYONE with a PELVIS.
Even if you don't THINK you have a pelvic floor probably do.
Signs & symptoms
urinary & fecal incontinnece
"heaviness" or pressure down there
farting when you didn't want to
painful sex
...less obvious signs & symptoms
persistent low back pain
pelvis mal-alignment
tailbone pain
chronic tight hip
pinchy hip
abdominal gripping
pressure belly
pancake bum ( no glutes)
deep gluteal syndrome
piriformis syndrome
... and even
adductors that don't respond well to stretching
constipation & hemorhoids
erectile dysfunction
prostate irritation
There are 3 high risk groups :
1 Post partum women
2. Athletes ( strong core)
3. Women near menopause ( the second puberty )

Michelle Edmison Bsc PT
Michelle is a registered physiotherapist with a clinical practice in Vancouver, Canada.
She is also a clinical instructor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, teaches movement classes locally and has helped over 40, 000 people from all over the world to move better & feel better.
Michelle blends clinical experience, research and several models such as The Postural Restoration Institute, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Kinstretch and more to optimize your mobility and physical longevity.
She has a special interest in core, breathing, the pelvic floor and it's connections to your foot, ribcage and pelvis. She is insanely curious about movement, loves learning and teaching.